Shvoong 'is a summary of the center of the world, offering a wide variety of summary in 34 languages. Shvoong purpose is to summarize everything you've ever written in human history in the field of literature and scientific research, so that gives you the essence of human knowledge. All summaries are written by the user Shvoong, citizens of the world who not only give their knowledge to everyone, but also earn royalties or payments from their work. This site is not intended to replace the real thing-and the book-with a summary of the study results, but serves as a tool that helps you to get information, such as separating the chaff from the grain.
In the year 47 BC Alexandria residents burned their famous library, consequently the most important collection of human knowledge, human thoughts set fruit until it is gone forever. Septuagint (translation of the Bible into Greek), Pythagorean scientific drawings, writings of Homer, Plato, Aristotle and the works of culture as it is part of a 700 thousand scrolls were burned. In this day and age it is not possible to burn all the books that exist with friction matches, and of course we do not need to fear the loss of intellectual property such as the Alexandria tragedy. But the pain of losing a burning books, now replaced by frustration due to the limited ability to explore the ocean of knowledge that lie therein for 2052 years after the fire. Someone grief now comes from the inability to read all the research, printing, or writing that are important in human civilization. In other words - make sense of information overload even stronger helpless.
An internet site will not need to look back on the history such as the opening story except for the purpose of this site is very strategic. Shvoong want to bring a new achievement, a cultural peak. Shvoong in the pages of the site will provide the essence of human knowledge, nothing less and nothing more. In addition Shvoong also while providing income opportunities for the writers. This is not charity, charity or selfless endeavors. Shvoong is a website that seeks to be a viable source of income for its participants. Therefore, Shvoong invites and invite everyone in the world to come, to read and enjoy, as well as to write and earn money. Shvoong invites students, students, academics, civil servants, lawyers, scientists, housewives, husbands, people who are sick and healthy people, in essence all those who have limited time and age. Also invited all the people in the world are driven by day-to-day expenses, so had to cram the information is limited by the absorption of energy and time. In short, Shvoong is intended for all people. Not only that, the site is also intended for advertisers, Shvoong inviting advertisers in the media who do not know the distance limitations.
There is currently no means by which to address the needs of brief information. Search engines repeatedly provide redundant information to internet users. Shvoong determined to be the answer from information overload problem, by way of being an instrument that separates between important and unimportant, become a tool for listening to music in the midst of the hustle and bustle.
By providing a summary, this site is not intended to replace the original autographs. Shvoong Summaries will not be a replacement for books and study results. Shvoong want to be the answer for those who are hungry for information but did not have time to look for it.
Summary in Shvoong not written by experts. All summaries were made by visitors to the site over the initiative and in their own language. As the impetus for writing, this site gives paid to them. Shvoong realize that not all readers have a talent for writing. Some will write things that do not make sense. Inspection, filtering, and ranking made by the readers themselves. Visitors are invited to read and rank. Shvoong will therefore develop evolutionary, as a result of cooperation between the reader and the writer, without a touch of editors, rewrite or examiner. Shvoong prepared to be a gathering place for readers and writers from all over the world, in almost all languages (36). Shvoong sure will be able to provide a home and place of work for those with an egalitarian spirit; from them, by them, and to their advantage.