
Creating Cash on Demand

How many times have you discovered something you want or need and instead of giving yourself the pleasure of having it, you immediately default to thinking you can't afford it?

More times than you care to admit? I hear yes.

Often, our instinctive reaction to something we want or need is: "No. I can't afford it!" But, the question you can learn to ask yourself is: "But, can I?"

Many women have habitually deprived themselves of anything they might want, and often things they need. This is hugely tied into how much you love and value yourself.

The first time I made a major investment in myself and my dreams was when I was 21 years old and had scored a plum summer internship at a major public relations firm in New York City. I was still in college at the University of Florida and decided to follow the bright lights of the Big Apple to pursue my PR passion. I can't remember what my meager internship salary was, but I do know that I LOST money after living expenses (and entertainment!) were accounted for. The math just didn't add up.

That internship was an investment in my future. That same firm hired me back a year later after I graduated. I spent the first 4 years of my career there, got tons of valuable experience, and tripled my salary along the way.

Fast forward 10+ years later, I attended my first BIG event for entrepreneurs led by entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown (I sold my wedding dress to free up the money to buy my $1500 ticket) and was presented with an opportunity to be part of her year-long, high-level business mastermind group. I was SO excited... and petrified.

My soul was calling out to me to step forward, but there was a huge part of me that wondered if I was worth the $13,000 price tag of the program. Could I justify that? Who was I to think I deserved it?

After hemming and hawing, I JUMPED. My life and business have never been the same. But the decision to LEAP and value MY DREAM wasn't easy... it tore me up inside.

Perhaps you've used the concept of gratitude to keep yourself unnecessarily deprived. Maybe you've said: "Oh, I should be happy I have a roof over my head and a car that works and hot water in my shower."

Learn to start investing in yourself and your growth.

Of course there are times when it's wise to wait. There are certainly times when you can't afford a luxury. BUT... there are plenty of times when you can afford to do something really great for Y-O-U.

I'm going to share an exercise with you now because I bet you have a big DREAM that you want to be living in the world. Am I right? Well I've got a warning for you: the "I can't afford it" excuse for something you know will get you closer to living YOUR big dream out in the world is a trap. If you aren't willing to invest in yourself, who will be? Seriously. Betting on yourself is the safest gamble you can make in life.

Here's your assignment...

- Take out a notebook and write down 50 different ways you can make money right now in your business/career (an opportunity you haven't said yes to yet) or in your personal life (house-sitting, cooking classes, walking dogs, etc.). - If you stop short of 50, keep going until you write 50.

- Rinse and repeat this exercise any time you need to free up some funds to move forward living your big dream out in the world.

Creating cash on demand is called being a rainmaker. YOU are WORTH every penny.


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