
Walking beauty

Walk, an easy way to healthy. Reads a billboard on display almost all centers of New York office, USA, insinuating that employees prefer to take a taxi rather than walk to spend their lunch. That is so typical of the city dwellers, the reason the heat, dust and safety make them prefer to drive rather than walk. Even when lunch arrived, residents flocked storey building hailed a taxi, although the distance is not too far a place to eat.

In fact, experts warned that the U.S. has built a community difficult for communities to undertake physical activity. It also occurs in Asian countries. Environmental and behavioral changes that are very small can make a big difference.

Physical activity is often considered an individual problem. In fact, according to scientists who study the sport in relation to the environment, physical activity in daily life has a wider dimension.

"Environmental conditions are formed around our cause is difficult to perform the activity. Employment and transportation cause physical activity decreases. Roads and infrastructure development designed for vehicles in this car, not for pedestrians or bicycles," says James Sallis, Ph. D from San Diego State University.

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