
Andropause on man

Although not exactly the same, in life, men can also experience a phenomenon similar to menopause in women. Called andropause symptoms were influenced by the aging process.

Andropause impact not only on the physical and psychological, but also on male sexual function. However, andropause can still be anticipated to minimize complaints, especially from a young age.

Actually, it's just the term andropause. Andro mean male and mean pause stops. What happened was not exactly like menopause, cessation of function of the gonads (ovaries / testes). If the woman is no longer menstruating. In the men's event of termination not the function, just decline.

According to urologist Urology Section Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Dr. Akmal Taher andropause is a clinical syndrome characterized by physical and emotional changes associated with decreasing levels of hormones, such as growth hormone and testosterone concentrations particularly meaningful.

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There Longevity key in Antioxidants

In religion it is only God who has the right to know the short term human life. But, in terms of medical factors longevity lies precisely in natural antioxidants that are already present in the body.

Some studies require a series of experiments on mice, showed that the mice made for his body produces high levels of antioxidant enzymes, 20% will live longer with the disease risk is low due to old age.

If the same thing happens in humans, it is estimated that humans can live to reach the age of over 100 years. Free radical, highly reactive oxygen molecules associated with going aging and degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer and other diseases. This is necessary to prevent antioxidant enzymes such as catalase. This will get rid of catalase hydrogen perosida, the source of free radicals that are destructive, as a result of the body's metabolism.

These free radicals will cause damage to the chemical processes in the cell and this will lead to more and more free radicals are produced. It becomes a vicious circle. On aging seen an increase of free radicals and reactive oxygen components.

More researchers focus on the degeneration diseases, and not on the underlying cause. If the underlying cause is the result of free radicals, and can find ways to overcome them, then everyone can have a long life with good health.

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Indonesian Traditional Beverage

Bandrek and usefulness

Bandrek is a West Java traditional drinks are usually found in areas such as Cianjur, Sukabumi, Banten, Sumedang, Cirebon, Majalengka, Garut, Tasikmalaya, and Bandung.

Bandrek made from palm sugar, spices and no preservatives choice.

Bandrek a drink made from a mixture of brown sugar and ginger and mix some natural spices such as pepper, cloves, nutmeg.
This drink is perfect to warm the body, other than that the drink is very good for health, relieve cold in the body and relieve cough.

All drinks are made from natural ingredients and no preservatives option, with the right blend composition and carefully and hygienically processed.
This drink is suitable to be served at cool moments, such as in times of rain or at night and also in the office spaces cold.

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Bandung is a city with a wealth of traditional culinary diverse. But unfortunately some of the traditional foods are now increasingly rare sight. However, some of them began to gain prominence again, especially when he began more and more sold on the edge of the road to star hotels. Sundanese people should be proud of the wealth of traditional culinary owned. Another Sundanese food has a sweet taste (usually classified as a dessert), including Noong daughter, kelepon, awug, Katimus, Misro, and so on. There are also specialty drinks such as ice or ice cingcau goyobod. Well, this is some of the many snacks Sundanese. Legendary confectionary that may be required to taste, to reminisce or simply enjoy the thrill of the culinary past Paris van Java!


Traditional confectionary made from the dough made from wheat flour is still quite popular and very easy to find. Was enough to enjoy the Cakwe dipping into chili sauce? It feels? Savory savory-spicy!

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Free radicals cause aging

Aging is a natural process that should be experienced by every person. Dry skin, wrinkles, fat buildup, especially in the abdominal area, the worn out joints, and memory begins to decline and the body begins sickly.

Some people grow old healthy and look younger, but instead many are just turned middle-aged but has been ill. How to keep the body young and sickly?

Since the first, the aging process is a matter of debate that never stops. Some think, someone will age if age increases. But age is not the only cause. If not, why are they the same age may have different health conditions? Because it appears the various theories about aging, one free radical theory.

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Advantages of Having a Flat Stomach

If you feel tired when walking or feel uncomfortable when sports movement. It's time to draw in your stomach, as well as reaching the many advantages of a flat stomach that you would have.
Having a flat belly is a dream. No wonder, when many who come to the gym just to deflate the stomach. Because, in addition to unsightly in appearance, making confident. Also can feel the other benefits. Look, no one athlete in the world who has a pot belly. To be an athlete, the first thing they did was that they were obliged to lose weight and shrink the stomach up to the ideal shape.

A heavyweight boxer who weighs nearly 100 kg weight and look fat, like Mike Tyson or Evander Holyfield, but when considered more carefully, although they look fat stomach, but in fact their muscular stomach hard. In fact, there are up to form a 'six pack' six boxes that form in their stomach, resulting from exercising the muscles around the abdomen.
The muscles around the central part of the body have a hidden strength for used in a variety of activities. Perform this exercise three times a week not only tighten and strengthen abdominal muscles. But, at the same time can help sweep selectable rotation or the hands and feet while exercising. You can even hit a tennis ball and kick the ball harder than before exercise.

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Fit to Swim

Swimming is a water sport that is very popular even very much by anyone because the movement involves almost all muscles of the body, so it is very beneficial to health and keeps your body fit.
Lazy exercise by reason of lack of time in the long-term impact is bad enough, the emergence of disease caused by hyperkinesias (lack of movement). Among them, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, arthritis, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity.

Albert M. Hutapea in his book "Towards a Healthy Lifestyle" said the 16-year study of the 17,000 alumni of Harvard University showed that those who do not actively exercise (which burn no more than 500 calories per week in sports activities) are more likely to develop heart disease. Therefore, exercise is a must if you want to live a healthy life. Exercise should be a part of the lifestyle. In a broad sense, is a real sport is an activity that is done so that it is quite burdened heart.

Moreover after business activity throughout the day, of course, makes the body exhausted. Sport and recreation is the right choice to freshen up again. With a body that is always in good shape, you will always be available to business relationships. Swimming or just relaxing by the pool is one option you can do.

Water sports of great benefit to health, for example, swimming is a sport that is good for health. Because if we do one style such as freestyle swim, then almost all the muscles of the body are all involved, so it is a sport that is very beneficial for those who prioritize physical fitness.

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Mobile Exercise Overcome Joint Pain

For those patients with joint pain commonly consumed pain medication when disease relapses, there is the best way to solve it, ie the mobile exercise. Exercises are easy and inexpensive yet effective.
Some say, joint pain or arthritis remotoid only attacks the elderly, but the disease can affect any person without regard of age. Treat until full recovery is still difficult. That could be pursued is to minimize them, among other stretching exercises so that the joints more flexible and not rigid anymore. Joint pain is not only attacking certain joints, but also the joints throughout the body. The initial symptoms are generally experienced patients is weight loss, lethargy, decreased appetite, swollen fingers, and stiff in the morning. The next symptom is anemia (lack of blood).

Possible for people with arthritis joint pain, these exercises (although in healthy people seem mild) feels quite heavy. Therefore, it is good to do at home or at the gym places. Use comfortable clothing (t-shirts are made of a material or cartoon with a model that does not hinder movement). At the beginning of exercise, do it for 5 minutes, 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) for a total workout to 15 minutes per day. Do it every day on a regular basis. Once accustomed to, begin to extend practice time up to 30 minutes per day (meaning you practice 10 minutes per session).

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Shoulder Muscle Exercise for Shaping

Shoulder, at first glance does not have any function, but for professionals youth who always want to look trendy and fashion, have a good shoulder to increase confidence and looks athletic.
Everyone will want to have a good shoulder. Because, by having the beauty of this form of upper body, in addition to appear more attractive, it will also look more masculine for men. But, most importantly, another benefit of the shoulder is able to sustain and maintain the body balance.

The exercises below are designed to get a good shoulder form, in the not too long. If you practice regularly for 4-6 weeks, the results can already be felt. Overview exercises below looks like a stretch, but it is actually not the case.
When compared with other parts of the body, around the shoulder are usually not a lot of fat overemphasized. Therefore, exercise is aimed at the muscles in the shoulder can achieve results in a fast time. You can perform this exercise using dumbbells weighing 1-4 kg, according to the ability of each. Rest for 60 seconds between each set of exercises. You can also do this exercise without a break.

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Relaxation Brain

The brain is one organ that is often used, by Therefore, the brain is too tired to think, need to be relaxed with the supply of oxygen from the lungs to the brain through the breathing exercises.
There is no single drug that can overcome the fatigue of the brain, although given the most potent sedative though. Because, the drug was only able to euthanize the cells and nerves in the brain within a certain period. While the need for relaxation for tired brain needs in the long term, not temporary. Therefore, the brain continues to work simultaneously. Exercise is important to clean the brain, especially to get rid of the negative thoughts that can lead to stress, the nature of jealousy, envy, or arrogant. This exercise makes positive thinking, creative, happy, peaceful, and foster a sense of love towards fellow beings created by God.

Cleaning exercise the brain as well to clear your mind and inner quiet. Inayay desire Khan, a psychologist, said that God was gentleness in a clear heart and full of peace and compassion. When the mind and clear heart and clear, all the problems of life and also the disease can be eliminated. These exercises also provide a good range of motion, especially on the back, shoulders arms, thighs and knees. As a result, you can generate the energy your body and eliminate tension and fatigue.
This exercise is very good to do when you wake up, at work, or at night. This exercise can be done in a standing position, sitting cross-legged, sitting in a chair or lying down with legs slightly stretched.

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Exercise is Easy

Who says it's hard to start a sport? That makes it difficult is you lack of commitment and feel your sporting equipment and facilities not yet complete. Below are some tips to resolve the issue.
When I was a teenager, feels so great appetite and will not affect the health. Or in other words, there is no abstinence from food. But, now, want to eat French fries or fried chicken thigh just has to think again. When reaching age 30, it decreases metabolic rate, and naturally, without appetite control, what we can? Pleated neck, arm sag, and fat deposits in the belly growing forward. Fortunately not too late if you want to start exercising again, no matter how old you are! Research says exercise offers a variety of goodness, both in terms of heart health, lung, muscle nerves, and digestion, for adults. But of course, if the 'program' you’re just a bowl full of Soto Betawi, a large packet of crisps, two sandwiches, and a remote control of your television, means that the program needs to be replaced soon.

Preferably, before determining an exercise program that you are interested in, consult with a doctor, to find out the history of your health. There are several important things well known, such as whether you have any chronic diseases or impaired pulmonary hypertension sorts? Is your weight, including excessive? Do you have osteoporosis? By knowing the current health conditions, will allow you to set up a regular exercise program, diet and need to know if you need medical help. Importantly, start with the right mindset. Being fit, not an office job, this is so that your efforts more energetic and vibrant. Also remember: there are 1,440 minutes in a day for sure you are able to set aside time to exercise! Begin to regularly set aside a few minutes in your day to exercise choice. If you've started to enjoy it, try increasing the time so 10 minutes a day for example. Do not feel you've enjoyed the 30 minutes a day. That's what many experts recommend for healthy qualify.

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What is Fitness?

Today, many people who have been exercising, whether conducted in houses, streets or in the gym though. However, little has been done to know whether exercise has brought fitness to the body.
Exercise, in the eyes of health is very important because of its role in improving body condition supposed, because it is relatively more cost-effective and bring greater impact to improve public health. Physical fitness by definition is the ability of one's body to perform daily job duties without causing significant fatigue and still have spare energy to enjoy leisure as well as for unexpected needs.

Physical fitness is Physical Fitness. Physic mean physical condition and fitness means compatibility, harmony as well as further our body's ability to adapt, maintain physiological and biochemical balance of the body in a state of severe stress including physical labor.

Physical fitness can be divided into 3 categories, namely physical fitness is static, dynamic and motor skills. Static means that the absence of physical fitness or condition free from disability or disease. Meanwhile, dynamic or functional physical fitness means the ability to perform heavy physical labor. Meanwhile, motor skills, physical fitness are the ability to perform complex coordinated motion.

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Tips Maintaining Body Fitness

A health expert in the United States declares that no exercise is as dangerous as smoking. So, if for health reasons you've quit smoking, for the same reason any physical activity you have done? Many people who live and work in the big city feel that an exercise program is a great heavy burden, which is very difficult to be implemented. Starting from the time, expense, until the big cities that are not sports-friendly. Meanwhile, ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) since 1998 has determined that physical activity per week is recommended for healthy adults in order to maintain health and fitness includes 3-5 days of aerobic exercise, 2-3 sessions of strength training, and flexibility exercises 2 -3 sessions. For busy people like you, how to implement these recommendations?

For those of you who do not have much time, the following is an example of "mini workout" for fitness. The principle of this exercise is to increase the intensity in order to reduce the time / duration required to complete a workout.

Aerobic Exercise for Endurance (Endurance) Heart-Lung Brisk walking, running, cycling (stationary or regular bike), and swimming are examples of exercises involving virtually all the major muscles, so as to stimulate the heart. If your time is limited, then try to implement it with high intensity every time you have the time.

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In order Always Shown Fit Events

Sometimes, busy days that often makes you forget the tiring attention to yourself. Uncontrolled eating, lack of exercise, so it makes your body to be stretched again. And, you do not feel comfortable to come to the event with the condition of the body like that.

Moreover, if the event is sudden or the special relationship that require excellent performance and body fresh. There are some special tips to resolve the issue. But, you are asked to give up your time between 15-30 minutes every day or three times a week to do fitness exercises that you feel would benefit later.

Before doing gymnastics there are things that need to be considered such as, using the comfortable clothes while exercising, you are not advised to use clothes Trainings; warming up before practice, and do not always use load at the first practice. Once used, you should then use it.

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Make Beautiful Free Animated Banner with Flashvortex

Do you want to create your own banner? Did you know that animated banner would invite more clicks than the static banner?
How can I create a nice animated banner? Do without being able to design their own banner which you can make beautiful, interesting and FREE? Now your wish will be done very well.

please come to the place to make a beautiful banner and its for free at:

flashfortex is flash animated banner generator sites, you can make instantly animated and beautiful banner.

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What are YouTube, Benefits and Side Effects?

Surely you all know what YouTube was right? Yes, YouTube is a medium to upload videos for free from your file and can be shared online. Well you have to be careful not to any upload personal videos, can be chaotic. YouTube is very suitable for us who want to find information without having to read the article because most of the YouTube videos verbally by its author. I myself do not like to read but really want information, with YouTube is very helpful to get what we find on the internet. Again no coincidence that YouTube features can be downloaded to a variety of cell phones and gadgets.

Besides it can be used to find the info, YouTube can also be used as a medium of entertainment which we can access news, music and songs, latest world information, movies and others.

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Bing, a New Alternative Site Search

Search site or search engine is mandatory menu that should be known by Internet users. Through this site users can find information. Site address, pictures, videos and even e-books.

A reference to the user's Google search site. Ease of search, grouping structured, alternative suggested search and other features make this site popular. Google has become the search engine giant. Even Yahoo and Live search cannot rival the popularity of Google.

Currently have attended Microsoft's new search site. Bing, a unique name that impressed even without meaning. Introduced on May 28, 2009 by Steve Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft), the site is starting to become the center of attention. Site search can be accessed through the address

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Basic Guide Using PayPal

PayPal is one of the means of payment (Payment processors) use the Internet's most widely used in the world and is safe to consume. Before using PayPal, it helps us to know some of the basics of using PayPal. And in the following basic things you need to know PayPal users.

1. PayPal Account Types


I intended for the use of this type of individual. User accounts can receive up to 5 payments using debit or credit card in the past 12 months and is charged per transaction. Other payments are not charged. Here are the basic features of PayPal which applies to all types, such as: sending money for free, request money from PayPal members, access and use auction (Auction Tools), payment through a website, downloading each account transaction records

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Men's Sports Make Busy

Busyness does not necessarily have to ignore the body fitness. Man wise can certainly arrange to maintain his fitness. In no more than thirty minutes you can still stay in shape. How do I?

One hour at lunch is enough to do the legwork, but if you want to cut down on time to get a real gym, had lunch and then change, a time of one hour can be a workout about 20 minutes.

Try to follow the workout plan at lunch and you will get a healthy body and still have enough time to do the work before and after work. The best part of this exercise is that you do not need to shower because the exercise routine you are not too demanding because you can minimize the sweat that comes out.

Remember that regular exercise is not focused on muscle building. This exercise is designed to maintain a healthy and physically attractive. Be sure to always eat a healthy snack at least 60 minutes before your lunch (and also when you exercise) and eat your main meal after a workout.

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Walking beauty

Walk, an easy way to healthy. Reads a billboard on display almost all centers of New York office, USA, insinuating that employees prefer to take a taxi rather than walk to spend their lunch. That is so typical of the city dwellers, the reason the heat, dust and safety make them prefer to drive rather than walk. Even when lunch arrived, residents flocked storey building hailed a taxi, although the distance is not too far a place to eat.

In fact, experts warned that the U.S. has built a community difficult for communities to undertake physical activity. It also occurs in Asian countries. Environmental and behavioral changes that are very small can make a big difference.

Physical activity is often considered an individual problem. In fact, according to scientists who study the sport in relation to the environment, physical activity in daily life has a wider dimension.

"Environmental conditions are formed around our cause is difficult to perform the activity. Employment and transportation cause physical activity decreases. Roads and infrastructure development designed for vehicles in this car, not for pedestrians or bicycles," says James Sallis, Ph. D from San Diego State University.

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Immune Strengthening Tips

Everyone, of course, wants to be healthy. However, many people who do not know what to do to stay healthy. In fact, do not be too hard, for one, is do not be lazy to exercise. Have you ever experienced on a winter disease, when all people infected with apparently only you are healthy? Or maybe just the opposite. You get sick while others are healthy. Our ability to resist disease, demonstrate the power of our immune system. Because the immune system of the body that is tasked with protecting us from infection or the formation of various types of cancer. So we often have infectious diseases, despite the mild cold like stone, it means our immune system needs to be improved. We need to remember that whatever we touch, eat, drink, and even what we dream of, greatly affect our health and our immunity. So basically the way we life is our main source of strength in maintaining health and build immunity.

Good lifestyle habits like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating a healthy settings or how we manage stress has been proven to be fundamental in shaping our immune and increase vitality. It has been repeatedly investigated by experts. So, always enter in your daily agenda. But do not forget, also reduce or eliminate bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, or too much exposed to pollution.

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Tighten Muscles in 15 Minutes

You are very busy, but you still want to exercise. Do not worry, there is a pattern exercises are very simple but effective, can tighten your muscles within 15 minutes, and can be done within two weeks.

Young executives often complain of difficulty because they do not have time to exercise. In fact, some say let alone to exercise, eat lunch alone they often do in the car while driving. Extreme busyness makes them dependent on drugs or supplement stamina enhancer that much in advertising in the media. In fact, they are aware, no sport nonetheless their muscles to constrict despite already taking a variety of supplements.

Therefore, for those busy, exercise designed to train forces that do not require a long time. This exercise can be done in about 15 minutes. You can do strength training first set that takes only 1 minute, interspersed exercises up and down a small bench for 2 minutes.

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Sport for People with Diabetes

Patients with diabetes mellitus (diabetes) are certainly aware that diet is not the only way to maintain the quality of life. They still require fitness, the proper way to help control blood sugar levels.

For diabetics, exercise diligent awareness must be maintained. However, a problem that often arises is the type of sport or physical exercise what is best and safest for them? In principle, physical training or exercise for diabetics is not different from healthy people. This physical exercise to burn calories the body, so that blood glucose can be used for energy.

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CNET TechTracker

Recent CNET TechTracker is a free application that helps preach update software installed in order to stay up-to-date by scanning your computer and alerting you when updates are available.

Her results will be displayed on the page management software that is installed on CNET Web pages. This TechTracker Web page providing one-stop software update. Each update guaranteed safe and free of freeware, as CNET TechTracker utility download, database truly comprehensive in product and software updates.

Summary of Features CNET TechTracker Download:

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Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Digital Camera

Digital cameras come in many sizes, colors, brands, zooms, resolutions, playbacks, etc. There are so many features and qualities that are being placed in the devices that buyers especially first timers become overwhelmed and dizzy with these outstanding arrays of gadgets. This is even without including the various advertisements and different ratings that are used to promote these products.

So what are the things to look for if you want to buy digital camera? To be able to answer these, there are 2 sets of information you have to know before you can decide. The first type of information is defining what YOU need and want in a digital camera.

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HOW TO FIND THE BEST DIGITAL CAMERA It seems that every month, if not every week, different manufacturers are coming up with the latest digital cameras to entice potential clients. And it's just not working for us! After spending sizeable amount of time at the mall figuring out which is the best digital camera for us, we finally have enough money to buy for that eye-popping, 7 mega pixel, 10x digital zoom, potable, candy colored, up to 512MB expandable memory of super hi-speed SD memory card and not to mention very portable, (that will be the envy of almost everyone we know). We march to the mall armed with our life savings and lots a pride in ourselves, when we pass by a new display - an eight mega pixel, up to 1G expandable memory, with built it mic and stereo surround, video playback capable, with 22 scenic modes kind-of-camera. And we sigh because the producer of this amazing gadget claims that this is the best digital camera yet out in the market. And so as we always want to have the best, armed with our life savings and a few credit cards, we buy the "best digital camera." But then again, that doesn't last too long, after two months or so, there's another "best digital camera." >>>> READ MORE >>>>>